Student Information



Bell Schedule
9:00 AM
School Begins/Tardy Bell 9:10 AM
Private Car/Vans Dismissal 3:20 PM
Buses Dismissed 3:25 PM


All students will be considered tardy if they arrive after the opening bell. The first ten tardies will be excused if a note from parent/guardian is presented AND the excuse is deemed acceptable by the Building Principal or his designee, or a doctor’s excuse is presented. Upon the eleventh and subsequent tardies, a doctor’s excuse will be required for any student to be excused.

Temporary Absences

Pupils may be excused from school attendance to participate in an educational 
trip or tour at parent’s expense with the following provisions:
  1. A temporary absence form is to be procured at the school office or on the District website, filled out, and returned to school. This form should be completed and turned in to the building principal ten (10) days prior to the trip. No absence will be approved for over ten (10) school days unless approved by the Superintendent or his designee.

  2. The itinerary, anticipated objectives of the trip, and expected outcomes for the child be listed.

  3. Attending student(s) will be supervised by an adult who is acceptable to the Superintendent and parents.

  4. That the Superintendent or his designee approves the trip.

To download a temporary absence form, please visit the Forms/Handbooks section of Parent Resources

School Policy

Pennsylvania State Board of Education (PSBOE); Public School Code 1949, Section 13-1327:
  1. An illegal or unexcused day of absence from school is any day of absence for reasons other than illness, health care, death in the immediate family, approved field trips, approved temporary absences, approved religious holidays, and any emergency approved by the principal. A student will not be permitted to make up work missed as a result of an unexcused absence. 
    (Reference: Board Policy 5008R4 Make-up Policy.)

  2. All absences require a written acceptable excuse by the parents/guardians/physician regardless of the student’s age or the absence is considered illegal or unexcused. The written excuse must be presented to the school when determined by the Attendance Director or the Principal’s designee, but no later than three school days after the return from absence.

  3. Parents/guardians are to be kept informed on a regular basis of their child’s attendance record/patterns. This will be done by letter, telephone, report card, and/or conference.

  4. On the fifth day of absence, a letter of concern is to be sent to the parents/guardians regarding the reason(s) for the absence. Documented (by an excuse from a physician or hospital)extended medical absences will be counted as one absence for the purpose of this clause. If a reason does exist, the parents/guardians should return the letter to the school with a written explanation.

    This letter of concern will include a section, which indicates that upon total absences of thirty-five (35) school days, excused or unexcused, the student may be considered for retention in his/her current grade the following year. (Legal Reference:  School Laws of Pennsylvania 1327, 1329, 1338)

  5. On the tenth day of absence, a letter will be sent from the school to parents/guardians requiring a medical excuse for each absence thereafter. Documented medical absences of three or more consecutive days will be counted as one absence for the 

Student Information

Please keep your child's demographic information up-to-date in the main office.  In the event that you move, please provide proof of your address change in writing.  Please also update any phone contact changes in writing.  

Emergency Contact Information

Please contact your child's classroom teacher if someone other than the primary parent/guardian is picking up your child for dismissal. Alternative pick-ups need to be designated on your child's Emergency Card and they will be asked to present a form of picture identification for alternative pick-ups to occur. 

Cafeteria Reminders

The Altoona Area School District provides free breakfast and lunch for all students. Additional meal options may be pre-paid on the student’s meal account on MySchoolBucks or paid in cash for their meals. For questions about the Juniata Gap cafeteria or class lunchtimes, please contact the office. 
For questions about cafeteria accounts, please contact Sandy Becker at [email protected]

Cafeteria Information

For additional information and monthly menus, please visit the AASD Cafeteria Pages